SCIENTISTS AGREE PASTA IS A HEALTHY FOOD Worldwide Scientists Recognize Health Benefits of Pasta and Urge Acknowledgment of its Low Environmental Impact MILAN, Oct. 27, 2015 – An international committee of scientists and food authorities today released a Scientific...
[soliloquy slug="world-pasta-day-congress-2015-milano"] AIDEPI and IPO are honored and thrilled to host the 5th World Pasta Day & Congress in Italy during Expo Milano 2015. The event brings together international experts to discuss major scientific, economic,...
World Pasta Day & Congress 2015: the updated schedule! “We want to tell a story, we want to talk about a unique and incredibly versatile product which can really make a difference at tables all around the world, from both an environmental and nutritional point of...
The Mediterranean Diet is touted by many as one of the healthiest ways of eating, and has gained international recognition for its delightful taste and superior health record. The Mediterranean diet is so rich in culture and tradition that it has even been recognized...
With obesity and chronic diseases on the rise, health and nutrition experts recommend eating filling meals that provide a lasting source of energy. Pasta, with its deliciously satisfying flavor and low glycemic index, is a key ingredient for one such meal. The...
Numerous scientists agree that not only is pasta a delicious vehicle for nutritious ingredients, but that it’s also a healthy staple food in it’s own right. According to diabetes expert Gabriele Riccardi, MD, of Federico II University (Naples, Italy) pasta...