Welcome to The Truth About Pasta newsletter from the International Pasta Organisation. Each month’s newsletter will feature a new and different topic — all pointing to The Truth About Pasta.
The truth is that …
Pasta is Delicious, Healthy, Sustainable, Convenient, Affordable, Doesn’t make you Fat, and much, much more!
Be sure to look for each new issue with new topics and information!
Date of Newsletter | Newsletter Title | Newsletter Link |
2018 December | Five Good Reasons To Love Pasta | https://conta.cc/2RPYmkj |
2018 November | Pasta Celebrated 20 Years of Global Popularity on World Pasta Day 2018 Dubai | https://conta.cc/2RPYmkj |
2018 October | 20th Annual World Pasta Day Dubai, 25 October 2018 | https://conta.cc/2RSfgyC |
2018 September | One Month Away! 20th Annual World Pasta Day Dubai, 25 October 2018 | https://conta.cc/2IvPg8l |
2018 July/August | Save the Date - World Pasta Day 2018 Dubai | https://conta.cc/2P4UQBr |
2018 June | Pasta is Good for the Planet | https://conta.cc/2Kn2zfH |
2018 June | (Spanish) La pasta es buena para nuestro planeta | https://conta.cc/2KMa7IT |
2018 May | Pasta is Tasty and Brings People Together | https://conta.cc/2xvfx50 |
2018 April | Pasta Doesn't Make You Fat | https://conta.cc/2Hp85N7 |
2018 March | Pasta is a Pillar of the Mediterranean Diet | https://conta.cc/2u5eHtY |
2018 February | La pasta es buena para ti (Spanish) | https://conta.cc/2u77328 |
2018 February | Pasta Is Good For You | https://conta.cc/2sMrC3s |
2018 January | Ted-Ed Lesson: “Pasta is Good for the Planet” | http://conta.cc/2GAQD4n |
2017 December | Pasta is Energy that Keeps You Fuller for Longer | http://conta.cc/2jb0C5S |
2017 December | La pasta es una fuente de energía con un alto poder saciante (Spanish) | http://conta.cc/2pEw2I4 |
2017 November | World Pasta Day 2017 in São Paolo, Brazil | http://conta.cc/2zPgju1 |
2017 November | Día Mundial de la Pasta 2017, São Paulo, Brasil (Spanish) | http://conta.cc/2AgL8YN |
2017 October | TED-Ed Lesson: “Pasta is Good for You” | http://conta.cc/2gqmHMu |
2017 September | Pasta is Tasty and Brings People Together | http://conta.cc/2wHrpwx |
2017 September | La pasta es sabrosa y une a la gente (Spanish) | http://conta.cc/2vQxiXh |
2017 August | TED-Ed Lesson “Pasta is Good for You” | http://conta.cc/2itkG6a |
2017 July | Pasta is a Pillar of the Mediterranean Diet | http://conta.cc/2vcYpeg |
2017 July | La pasta es un elemento básico de la dieta mediterránea (Spanish) | http://conta.cc/2uWKgpa |
2017 July | La pasta es un elemento básico de la dieta mediterránea (Spanish) | http://conta.cc/2uWKgpa |
2017 June | TED-Ed Lesson: “Pasta Keeps You Fuller For Longer” | http://conta.cc/2hgFGwc |
2017 May | Pasta is Good for the Planet | http://conta.cc/2hgxwnG |
2017 May | La pasta es buena para nuestro planeta (Spanish) | http://conta.cc/2hg7xwJ |
2017 April | TED-Ed Lesson: “Pasta is Tasty and Brings People Together” | http://conta.cc/2hg81mw |
2017 March | Pasta is Good for You | http://conta.cc/2n5BbpH |
2017 march | La pasta es buena para ti (Spanish) | http://conta.cc/2n5zTe8 |
2017 February | TED-Ed Lesson: “Pasta is a Pillar of the Mediterranean Diet” | http://conta.cc/2n5DusW |
2017 January | Pasta Does Not Make You Fat | http://conta.cc/2mCntY9 |
2016 December | TED-Ed Lesson “Pasta is Good for the Planet” | http://conta.cc/2hgmv5L |
2016 December | TED-Ed Lesson “La pasta fa bene al pianeta” (Italian) | http://conta.cc/2hfGSQu |
2016 November | World Pasta Day 2016 recap | http://conta.cc/2hgBP2c |
2016 November | Día Mundial de la Pasta 2016, Moscú (Spanish) | http://conta.cc/2hg1AQj |
2016 November | World Pasta Day 2016 a Mosca (Italian) | http://conta.cc/2hfGSQu |
2016 October | Pasta Keeps You Fuller Longer | http://conta.cc/2ebilWh |
2016 October | La pasta mantiene saciado durante más tiempo (Spanish) | http://conta.cc/2eoXuim |
2016 September | TED-Ed Lesson “Pasta is Good For You” | http://conta.cc/2cXl0qg |
2016 August | Pasta is Tasty and Brings People Together | http://conta.cc/2aVdlEw |
2016 August | La pasta está buenísima y une a la gente (Spanish) | http://conta.cc/2bD98qe |
2016 July | TED-Ed Lesson “Pasta Does Not Make You Fat” | http://conta.cc/29RKj8o |
2016 June | Pasta is a Pillar of the Mediterranean Diet | http://conta.cc/28RlCXL |
2016 June | La pasta es la base de la dieta mediterránea (Spanish) | http://conta.cc/29uAosX |
2016 June | La pasta: un pilastro della dieta mediterranea (Italian) | http://conta.cc/2bbKoY7 |
2016 May | TED-Ed Lesson “Pasta Keeps You Fuller for Longer” | http://conta.cc/1t3knj1 |
2016 April | Pasta is Good for the Earth | http://conta.cc/1VHTigA |
2016 April | La pasta es buena para la Tierra (Spanish) | http://conta.cc/26olgSl |
2016 March | Pasta is Good for You | http://conta.cc/1WkFwh7 |
2016 March | La Pasta es buena para ti (Spanish) | http://conta.cc/1UpiCaW |
2016 February | Pasta is Tasty and Brings People Together | http://conta.cc/1Rc4s8K |
2016 February | La pasta está buenísima y une a la gente (Spanish) | http://conta.cc/1RA0Mhd |
2016 February | La pasta è buona e unisce le persone (Italian) | http://conta.cc/1WNRgJf |
2016 January | Pasta Does Not Make You Fat | http://conta.cc/1N4MhwI |
2016 January | La pasta no engorda (Spanish) | http://conta.cc/1P3ctfF |
2015 December | Pasta is a Pillar of the Mediterranean Diet | http://conta.cc/1ITgcNv |
2015 December | La pasta es la base de la dieta mediterránea (Spanish) | http://conta.cc/1Kt1AiO |
Our special thanks to all the Members of the International Pasta Organisation for their support in making this communication possible.